
A collection of 9 post

Un-Opinionated vs Opinionated Within Frameworks

The less opinionated a utility is, the more diverse it becomes, but as a result it is less structured

Generic UI Component Development!

A Shared Component must have a single job which is handled internally, which at some point will update the consumer with information.

Moving a company to microfront-end environment (kind of)

How do we transition a large company into a new pattern?

NGRX — Use Actions to create more reactive applications!

Use NGRX Actions in order to pass data or initialize process inside components, keeping them completely decoupled?

Communication Between Micro-front ends!

How do we communicate between Micro front-ends?

Custom rxjs operatros

Stop redoing the same rxjs patterns ?

The ins and outs of Angular-*ngFor!

How does ngIf work ?

The ins and outs of Angular-[ngClass]!

How does ngClass work ?

The ins and outs of Angular-*ngIf!

How does ngFor work ?